
Product manufactured by Hospira, Inc.

Application Nr Approved Date Route Status External Links
ANDA073664 None Respiratory (Inhalation) None Google , Wikipedia , PubMed , DailyMed , Raw OpenFDA , ECHA , ToxNet , JECFA , FAO , 21 CFR

Indications and Purposes

Indications And Usage Acetylcysteine Is Indicated As Adjuvant Therapy For Patients With Abnormal, Viscid, Or Inspissated Mucous Secretions In Such Conditions As: Chronic Bronchopulmonary Disease (Chronic Emphysema, Emphysema With Bronchitis, Chronic Asthmatic Bronchitis, Tuberculosis, Bronchiectasis And Primary Amyloidosis Of The Lung) Acute Bronchopulmonary Disease (Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Tracheobronchitis) Pulmonary Complications Of Cystic Fibrosis Tracheostomy Care Pulmonary Complications Associated With Surgery Use During Anesthesia Post-Traumatic Chest Conditions Atelectasis Due To Mucous Obstruction Diagnostic Bronchial Studies (Bronchograms, Bronchospirometry, And Bronchial Wedge Catheterization)

All Formulated Excipients (0 Total)


Active Ingredients ( 1 Total)

Name Structure ZINC ID(s)
1. Acetylcysteine ACETYLCYSTEINE ZINC3589203
