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Indications and Purposes

Indications And Usage Bumetanide Injection Is Indicated For The Treatment Of Edema Associated With Congestive Heart Failure, Hepatic And Renal Disease, Including The Nephrotic Syndrome. Almost Equal Diuretic Response Occurs After Oral And Parenteral Administration Of Bumetanide. Therefore, If Impaired Gastrointestinal Absorption Is Suspected Or Oral Administration Is Not Practical, Bumetanide Should Be Given By The Intramuscular Or Intravenous Route. Successful Treatment With Bumetanide Following Instances Of Allergic Reactions To Furosemide Suggests A Lack Of Cross-Sensitivity.

All Formulated Excipients (0 Total)


Active Ingredients ( 1 Total)

Name Structure ZINC ID(s)
1. Bumetanide BUMETANIDE ZINC3813061
