
Product manufactured by B. Braun Medical Inc.

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ANDA091112 None Intravenous None Google , Wikipedia , PubMed , DailyMed , Raw OpenFDA , ECHA , ToxNet , JECFA , FAO , 21 CFR

Indications and Purposes

Indications And Usage Plenamine™ 15% Is Indicated As An Amino Acid (Nitrogen) Source In Parenteral Nutrition Regimens. This Use Is Appropriate When The Enteral Route Is Inadvisable, Inadequate Or Not Possible, As When: — Gastrointestinal Absorption Is Impaired By Obstruction, Inflammatory Disease Or Its Complications, Or Antineoplastic Therapy; — Bowel Rest Is Needed Because Of Gastrointestinal Surgery Or Its Complications Such As Ileus, Fistulae Or Anastomotic Leaks; — Tube Feeding Methods Alone Cannot Provide Adequate Nutrition.

All Formulated Excipients (0 Total)

