
Product manufactured by Hospira, Inc.

Application Nr Approved Date Route Status External Links
NDA018959 None Intravenous None Google , Wikipedia , PubMed , DailyMed , Raw OpenFDA , ECHA , ToxNet , JECFA , FAO , 21 CFR

Indications and Purposes

Indications And Usage Zinc 1 Mg/ml (Zinc Chloride Injection, Usp) Is Indicated For Use As A Supplement To Intravenous Solutions Given For Total Parenteral Nutrition. Administration Helps To Maintain Zinc Serum Levels And To Prevent Depletion Of Endogenous Stores, And Subsequent Deficiency Symptoms.

All Formulated Excipients (0 Total)


Active Ingredients ( 1 Total)

Name Structure ZINC ID(s)
1. Zinc Chloride
