Sufentanil Citrate

Product manufactured by Akorn, Inc.

Application Nr Approved Date Route Status External Links
NDA019050 None Intravenous None Google , Wikipedia , PubMed , DailyMed , Raw OpenFDA , ECHA , ToxNet , JECFA , FAO , 21 CFR

Indications and Purposes

1 Indications And Usage Sufentanil Citrate Injection Is Indicated For Intravenous Administration In Adults And Pediatric Patients: As An Analgesic Adjunct In The Maintenance Of Balanced General Anesthesia In Patients Who Are Intubated And Ventilated. As A Primary Anesthetic Agent For The Induction And Maintenance Of Anesthesia With 100% Oxygen In Patients Undergoing Major Surgical Procedures, In Patients Who Are Intubated And Ventilated, Such As Cardiovascular Surgery Or Neurosurgical Procedures In The Sitting Position, To Provide Favorable Myocardial And Cerebral Oxygen Balance Or When Extended Postoperative Ventilation Is Anticipated. Sufentanil Citrate Injection Is Indicated For Epidural Administration: As An Analgesic Combined With Low Dose (Usually 12.5 Mg Per Administration) Bupivacaine Usually During Labor And Vaginal Delivery. Sufentanil Citrate Injection Is An Opioid Agonist Indicated: As An Analgesic Adjunct In The Maintenance Of Balanced General Anesthesia In Patients Who Are Intubated And Ventilated. As A Primary Anesthetic Agent For The Induction And Maintenance Of Anesthesia With 100% Oxygen In Patients Undergoing Major Surgical Procedures, In Patients Who Are Intubated And Ventilated, Such As Cardiovascular Surgery Or Neurosurgical Procedures In The Sitting Position, To Provide Favorable Myocardial And Cerebral Oxygen Balance Or When Extended Postoperative Ventilation Is Anticipated. For Epidural Administration As An Analgesic Combined With Low Dose (Usually 12.5 Mg Per Administration) Bupivacaine Usually During Labor And Vaginal Delivery.

All Formulated Excipients (0 Total)


Active Ingredients ( 1 Total)

Name Structure ZINC ID(s)
1. Sufentanil Citrate SUFENTANIL CITRATE ZINC895081
